Active health, at the heart of our mission
Our passion for prevention and wellness has been driving us for more than 20 years. We have made active health our raison d’être: to educate, prevent and encourage people to take charge of their own health and welfare. At the head of Cochez Santé!, Pascale Haudegand, massage therapist, certified trainer and visionary.
Our motto: Lighten the body, light the spirit.
Our expertise: Chair massage for companies and special events.
Pascale has followed the BNQ 9700-800 standard since its creation, becoming one of the first therapists promoting active health in Québec. This standard, now under revision, becomes national in 2018.
A massage therapist since 1995, Pascale is an instructor certified by the Commission des Partenaires du Marché du Travail (CPMT) and a mentor at Kiné-Concept, the most renowned therapy school in Québec, where she gave a conference on the keys of success in massage therapy.
Pascale also created a popular customer service course for spa therapists. Her high standards explain the excellent rate of customer satisfaction and word of mouth success.
Your wellness partner
Cochez Santé! is proud to be associated with ZEN&CIE to better stress management and reduction through yoga specific relaxation and wellness techniques, the perfect complement to chair massage and special events.